Working as an AETOS Auxiliary Police Officer at the frontlines is an admirable and rewarding career, but it also involves lots of sacrifices. As Father’s Day approaches, we would like you to meet some of our AETOS Fathers - the quiet heroes who have become their children’s role model and continue to inspire them to do the same for the generations to come.
We salute all fathers and wish them a very Happy Father’s Day.

LCP(APF) Mohamad Irsyad Bin Mohd and his father, SSI(APF) Mohd Nasril
How is it like working together in the same organisation?
SSI Mohd Nasril: “To me, work is work; family is family. In this line of work, security is of utmost importance. Although he is my son, I will still scold and punish him if he has done something incorrectly.”
LCP(APF) Irsyad: “(laughs) That is so true. It is actually worse when your own dad scolds you at work. He does not practice favouritism… he is like a totally different person at work. But I don’t mind because joining a uniformed career is like that. We have to be serious in our work because of the responsibilities that we have.”
Describe your father-son relationship
SSI Mohd Nasril: “I am strict with them when they were young as I did not want them to fall into bad company. Family is the most important thing to me and that is my way of showing them love. I will not be around one day but I want to ensure that my children have their own families and yet continue to remain close-knitted together.”
LCP(APF) Irsyad: “My dad has always been strict and disciplined with me and my siblings... ensuring that we did all our homework as education was very important to him. I know that he was so strict because he wanted us to succeed in life. Till today, my dad continues to inspire me as he is always constantly learning new things (even at his age). Even though he is often busy at work, he still carves out time to take the whole family out for meals. I’m really proud of him for who he is and all that he has done for the family.”

APO Trainee Thang Jing Xiang, with his wife and one and a half year-old son
How does it feel like being a new dad?
Jing Xiang: "It is a very exciting experience being a father and it taught me how to have better time management. As my wife and son are currently residing in Malaysia and I am undergoing training in Singapore, it requires a lot of communication and mutual understanding to ensure that there is a balance between work and family. It might be mentally stressful at times, but whenever I think about my boy's future, everything that I'm doing now is worth it."
What are some of the values that you want to pass on to your son?
Jing Xiang: "I hope he can grow up to be someone who is independent and never gives up on his dream. I think being independent is an important value and life skill for all young men to have. Even if he makes mistakes, it is a decision that he made on his own. More importantly, he must answer for his actions and learn from it."

WCPL(APF) Nur Lin Binte Hosairi and her father, CPL(APF) Hosairi Bin Kalil
What motivated you to become an Auxiliary Police Officer, just like your father?
WCPL(APF) Nur Lin: "My dad served in the Singapore Police Force for most of his life and even after he has retired, he joined AETOS because he still wants to contribute to our nation. In my younger days after my mum passed away, my dad has always been there for me and my sister. Every year, he brought us to the police carnivals and got us to join in the activities that his division organised. He also loves to share exciting stories about his work, which really got me interested in a uniformed career. My dad has always been my role model and he inspired me to become someone who can contribute and help others in need.
Describe your father-daughter relationship.
CPL(APF) Hosairi: "She's my heroine! She is now the one who protects me. (laughs) We only have each other left to depend on and that is what makes our bond very special. We share the housework, we watch soccer games together, we gossip together. Althought we may have different opinions at times, but we have to disagree to agree! That is what a family is all about - being together despite our differences."
WCPL(APF) Nur Lin: "Honestly, my dad has been the greatest dad ever. Perhaps I don't really show or tell him how much I love him, more often than I should be doing; but we express love for each other through the simplest actions - like buying dinner for each other or calling to ask how he is. No matter what situation we find ourselves in, I know that one thing's for sure, my dad will always be there for me through thick and thin. He has supported me in everything that I want to do in life, and has taught me valuable life lessons. Thank you dad, Happy Father's Day :)"